(Nostratische?) Anmerkungen zur Teiledition von J. E. Fischers „Vocabularium Sibiricum“
Über dieses Buch
Johann Eberhard Fischer, Nostratic reminiscences
In the article, the author discusses the language comparisons in Johann Eberhard Fischer’s (10.1.1697-13.9.1771) “Vocabularium Si-biricum”. This “etymological part” of the work was edited and published by J. Gulya in 1995. An edition that received a great deal of attention – including from E. A. Helimski, who referred in passing to the Nostratic character of some of the parallels shown in Fischer’s work. In the present essay, these “equivalents” are compiled by the author in their numerical relations, following the original manuscript and based on Gulya’s partial edition.
December 27, 2022
Copyright (c) 2022 University of Szeged, Department of Altaic Studies, Department of Finno-Ugrian Philology