Siberica et Uralica: In memoriam Eugen Helimski
This volume is dedicated to the memory of Eugene Helimski — an eminent linguist, specialist in Uralic, Tungusic, Turkic and Slavic descriptive and comparative linguistics. He was author of several dictionaries, did a great amount of work concerning the history of Uralic languages, published many old archival records, spent much time in the field, collecting data from poorly described languages and dialects, and did much more.
It was conceived as an hommage to Helimski from the modern linguistics and ethnog-raphy. The call for papers was open, and anybody could participate with a contribution on any subject that was connected to, continued or argued with Helimski’s works. That has resulted in 27 papers written by his former colleagues, by his students or by those who did not know him personally, but feel themselves influenced by his work. We hope that he would have liked them.
Auflösung eines ungarischen lautgeschichtlichen Rätsels U *pesä ’Nest’ > ungarisch fészëk ~ finnisch pesä
On 'on' in Uralic and Ossetic: from adpositions to case suffixes
Рефлексы прасамодийских *a и *ä и нганасанский сингармонизм
К вопросу о ранних контактах между самодийскими языками: заметки об истории нган. колииң
A history of Northern Samoyedic: adding details to the dialect continuum hypothesis
Система послелогов со значением ‘рядом’, ‘в направлении’, ‘напротив’ в северносамодийских языках и в прасеверносамодийском
Syntax of multiple questions in Tundra Nenets
Nganasan language materials in space and time
A typological approach to the repair strategies of Russian loanwords in Nganasan
Типология переключения кодов на примере русско-финских и нганасанско-русских языковых контактов
The concept ‘half’ in Selkup language
Syntax and semantics of the Selkup noun phrase
Ударение в камасинском и его ареальные параллели
Kamas bāzoʔ ‘again’
Чередования гласных в именных и глагольных основах в сургутском диалекте хантыйского языка
Cognate maximization versus cognate minimizationin search of a "golden middle" for Altaic etymology
More Inebra: An unnoticed meaning of PIE √*kelH and a bit more
Yukaghir-Uralic comparison: kinship and social terminology
Prädikative Kasus und depiktive sekundäre Prädikation in Nordeurasien – eine Vorstudie unter Berücksichtigung der Verhältnisse im Tundrajukagirischen
(Nostratische?) Anmerkungen zur Teiledition von J. E. Fischers „Vocabularium Sibiricum“
О неидентифицированном способе выражения диминутивности в енисейских языках
Раритетная дисемия и языковые контакты
A Childhood Reminiscence of Bear Ceremonialism among the Northern Selkups
Трикстеры-пройдохи в ненецком фольклоре
Хождение канинского самоедина Якушки Пирчикова самовольством в Аглинскую землю и обратно: к истории ненецко-английских контактов в I пол. XVII в.
Au cœur du chamanismeune logique du renversement
Шаманские напевы нганасан вне обрядовой ситуации (по материалам записей Салира Порбина 1990 г.)
Zur Stellung des Matorischen innerhalb der samojedischen Sprachen