An American story: Uncollected fiction
Szerb irodalom története, Szerb irodalom, novellaSynopsis
Translated and with an Introduction by John K. Cox
The twelve stories in this collection, published in various journals and newspapers in Yugoslavia between 1953 and 1967, provide fascinating insights into the development of Danilo Kiš as a writer. From lapidary childhood idylls to harrowing foreshadowings of the Holocaust, from a satirical treatment of totalitarianism to a philosophical reflection on perception and form, the subject matter is remarkably varied. The highly unusual title story is even set amidst the U.S. civil rights struggles of the 20th century, and several of the tales are redolent of science fiction.
Chapter in this book are taken from Danilo Kiš, Varia, ed. by Mirjana Miocinovic, Beograd: Prosveta, 2007. Copyrights for this translation are courtesy of La Librairie Artheme Fayard
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