Americanisms: An Inquiry into the Development of Political Ideologies in the United States of America
General editors: Réka M. Cristian & Zoltán Dragon
The development approach of American political ideologies in Gabriel C. Gherasim’s book aims at rationalizing the interplay of conceptions, views and beliefs that have shaped their ideological flow within the course of US history; at the crossroads between intellectual political history and archaeology of ideological thought, this book calls upon capacities of rational cognition and simply claims that broad-spectrum reasoning through its development routine could elucidate on the changing – and changeable – role of ideological endeavors in the field of American politics. It generalizes more than hypostatizes, directs towards rather than analyzing and specifying, and delineates stages of development more visibly than itemizing facts and events following a chronological pattern of explanation.
Book design: Dragon Zoltán
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