Az északi számi lelkész, Anders Porsanger jelentése Sajnovics Jánosról és a magyar helyesírásról


Ivett Kelemen
Debreceni Egyetem, Finnugor Nyelvtudományi Tanszék

Краткое описание

In 1770, in Copenhagen, János Sajnovics (and Maximilian Hell) on his way home from an astronomical expedition proposed the development of the North Saami spelling according to the Hungarian model. The idea aroused such enthusiasm among the Danish-Norwegian senior supporters (cf. Otto Thott, then president of the Danish Scientific Society) that Sajnovics’ proposal was put into practice: The first 42 sheets of the Lexicon Lapponicum Bipartitum dictionary by Norwegian linguistics professor Knud Leem, which presumably had already been in print, were transcribed in Hungarian spelling. For this work, he also had a North Saami native speaker assistant, Anders Porsanger. After the joint work, Porsanger sent a 7-page report to the Mission College in Copenhagen on 7 July 1770 commenting on the work with Sajnovics. In this article, I will present the letter's contents, emphasizing the information about Sajnovics, their relationship, their joint work, and Porsanger's opinion on Hungarian orthography.

kulcsszavak: Sajnovics János, Anders Porsanger, északi számi helyesírás, magyar helyesírás, 1770, jelentés



December 22, 2023

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