Uralic studies, languages,and researchers: Proceedings of the 5th Mikola Conference19–20, September 2019


Sándor Szeverényi (Hrsg)
University of Szeged

Über dieses Buch

On September 19–20, 2019, the Department of Finno-Ugric Linguistics, University of Szeged, held the 5th Tibor Mikola Memorial Conference, to celebrate the memory of its late professor and department head. This volume presents papers from this conference, to commemorate the 20th anniversary of his untimely death in 2000. "The special theme of our 2019 conference was the history of (Uralic) linguistics, and the two invited talks, by Beáta Wagner-Nagy and Rogier Blokland, are the opening papers of this volume, on Undiscovered treasures: From the field research archive to the digital database, and Notes on Nicolaes Witsen and his Noord en Oost Tartarye, respectively. The rest of the papers address topical issues in several subfields of Uralic linguistics, such asOb-Ugric languages, Samoyed languages, and Permic languages –that is, exactly those branches of the Uralic family of languages, research into which in Szeged began under Tibor Mikola’s guidance and is still carried out at our department. In addition, thevolume also includes a paper on Mari, and two papers overviewing research into several languages.It is our sincere hope that, similarly to earlier commemorative Mikola volumes, the present collection will also contribute to Tibor Mikola’s legacy."




July 13, 2021





Genauere Angaben zum verfügbaren Publikationsformat Vol. 54

Vol. 54

Co-publisher's ISBN-13 (24)


Genauere Angaben zum verfügbaren Publikationsformat PDF (printed)

PDF (printed)

ISBN-13 (15)
