The role of autonomies in sustainable competitiveness


László Dinya
Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem
Anikó Klausmann-Dinya
Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem


Based on our domestic and international experience gained in connection with our sustainability projects at various (individual – organizational – local – regional – macro and international) levels, we are convinced that the issue of autonomy is closely connected with the implementation of sustainable (smart) competitiveness, which has now become a priority (Dinya – Klausmann-Dinya, 2020). Smart competitiveness means responses to the complex challenges of economic-social-technical development and in accordance with local conditions. In doing so, far beyond economic capital, the role of social capital, human capital, natural capital, and the level of governance must also be taken into account. And the complex system of different forms and levels of autonomies, overlapping, building on each other, plays an increasingly important role in their development. The simultaneous strengthening (development, coordination) of individual and collective autonomies is essential, and this requires appropriate, intensive and complex social marketing. For this, the correct diagnosis of the situation of the existing decision and action autonomies at a given place and time serves as a starting point. For which comprehensive databases suitable for international comparisons (values, competitiveness, autonomies, etc.). That’s why our objective was to reveal the significant relationship between the elements of individual and collective autonomy and the sustainable competitiveness using multivariate statistical analysis based on international databases. After that, we analyzed the situation of Hungary among the EU-27 member states.

Author Biographies

László Dinya, Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem

CSc, professzor emeritus

Anikó Klausmann-Dinya, Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem

mestertanár, szervező



October 27, 2023