Detecting technological changes along information patterns


Márton Vilmányi
Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Gazdaságtudományi Kar
Ágnes Réka Mátó
Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Gazdaságtudományi Kar


In a relational context, change is described through network interaction. In order to conceptualize change – which is a cognitive and interactive process –, the business network literature has defined the concept of network pictures. In our study entitled ’Perception of Technological Changes through Information Patterns’, we examine how technological change alters the network pictures of actors who are involved in technology management. We conducted a document analysis and expert interviews to analyze two distinct healthcare delivery processes. We analyzed the nature of the relationship between changes in activities and resources used in the introduction of new technology and perceived changes in the availability of information. Our results point to three perceptual patterns that may contribute to further understanding of organizational change.

Keywords: industrial networks, interaction, technological change, information, sensemaking,
network pictures



October 27, 2023