Sustainability education using hackathon methodology: challanges and responses with the simony hackathons


Petra Putzer
Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Közgazdaságtudományi Kar


The hackathon as a methodology allows for a highly intensive course experience, continuous work and a hands-on approach, making it an attractive product for students to develop their problem-solving, communication and teamwork skills and abilities. And why not sustainability as the basis for all this. The study investigates whether measurable progress in students' knowledge and attitudes towards sustainability can be measured, and thus seeks to answer the question whether hackathons can be an appropriate teaching methodology for sustainability. The latter will be measured through the international Sulitest survey, administered by the nonprofit organisation Sulitest Association. The test measures two items (pre- and post-test) mainly knowledge items complemented by attitude statements. The results of the tests suggest that the hackathon alone may not be an effective method to increase knowledge about sustainability, but it has an important role in shaping attitudes and the recognition of the importance of individual engagement that can lead to systemic change. The results suggest that the role of hackathons can be primarily to raise awareness of one's own role and to promote thinking about sustainability in a systemic way and systemic change.

Keywords: hackathon, sustainability, SDG, Sulitest



October 27, 2023