Digital platforms and social responsibility


Erzsébet Hetesi
Szegedi Tudományegyetem Gazdaságtudományi Kar


The study reviews the social and environmental impacts of business digital platforms and tries to draw attention to the fact that the benefits brought about by the new technological revolution come at a price. The topic is very multifaceted, so this study only deals with sustainability, environmental and ethical issues, while trying to consider business digital platforms as well. The thought-provoking result of the secondary research is that there are many more studies that emphasize the advantages, but the range of research and data-based conclusions that deal with the disadvantages and risks is very few and very restrained. Although countless data are also available on digital business platforms in journalistic writings, these questions appear only rarely in scientific research published in authoritative journals. The conclusion of the summary is that if we do not treat these changes with sufficient caution, good-intentioned criticism, and ignore the risks, then the fetishized benefits of digitization can very easily become a fog.

Keywords: business digital platforms, sustainability, environmental protection, ethics



October 27, 2023