Green and Digital Transitions: Global Insights into Sustainable Solutions
Peer-reviewed volume of selected papers from the Decades of Crises: from competitiveness to resilience - via the bumpy road of sustainability, The 5th Conference in cooperation with the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies, 14-15 April 2023, Szeged, Hungary.
Analyzing the models of consumer acceptance of technology from the perspective of preparedness for autonomous vehicles
Some global implications of China's new energy policy initiativeLessons and conclusions
The changing role of China in global value chainsEffects of the COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical tensions
Cabo Delgado, the northern coastal part of Mozambiqueturbulent past, chaotic present… and prosperous future?
Analyses of the European Union and its member states’ proposals on reforming the ISDS system under the UNCITRAL working group III
Macroeconomic processes and expectations
Comparison of the TiVA and traditional data based on income groups in the gravity models application
The future of banking or the concept of sustainability in the banking sector
Difficulties and advantages of internationalization in the Hungarian SME sector
The relationship between macroeconomic factors and non-performing loans (NPLs) in Lao PDRAn application of the Vector Error Correction Model
The meaning of social resilienceInterdisciplinary status or a new viewpoint?
Systematics literature review of non-consumptionForms and dimensions of consumer behavior
Explaining income inequality by the relationship between social network fragmentation and social segregation indicators
Gender labor market outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemicEvidence of she-cession in the Visegrád countries
Investigation of sense of community among cyclists
The past, present, and future of the accounting profession and its digitalizationWhere is accounting going next?

2024 March 1
Copyright (c) 2024 University of Szeged Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Doctoral School in Economics
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ISBN-13 (15)
Publication date (01)