A turóci seditio és az ónodi abrenuntiatio


Sándor László Tóth
Szegedi Tudományegyetem Bölcsészet- és Társadalomtudományi Kar Középkori és Kora Újkori Magyar Történeti Tanszék


The War of Independence (1703–1711) led by Prince Ferenc Rákóczi II reached its turning point in 1707. After unsuccessful peace treaties, the idea of deposition and dethronement of the Habsburg dynasty and Joseph I was raised at the session of the Senate at Rozsnyó in January 1707. Almost at the same time, a sedition started in the Highlands in the county of Turóc. In a circular letter and in a memorial, they formulated their complaints and sent them to the neighbouring counties. Rákóczi, as a chosen prince of the Hungarian Confederation, convened a general assembly, diet in Ónod (31 May - 23 June 1707). First of all, the sedition of Turóc inside the War of Independence had to be settled. A heated debate erupted at the session on 6th June, during which the two representatives of the county of Turóc were killed, meaning that the sedition was liquidated. A week later, on 13th June, the assembly accepted the dethronement and the deposition of Joseph I.





February 19, 2024

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