Krisnás habitusok : két magyarországi Krisnahívő csoport vallásossága, életstílusa és ízlése = Habits of Krishna followers


István Kamarás


When Pierre Bourdieu examines the correlations between social status and lifestyle, he finds for example that piano, golf, whisky, bridge, and water skiing are the characteristics of the lifestyle of self employed people and high level managers, while beer, football, accordion, and the card game sixty-six are characteristics of the lifestyle of skilled workers and foremen (Bourdieu 1979). I assume that we can find special lifestyle elements in the two groups of Vaishnava followers, who have the same faith but different lifestyles. By examining this topic, I try to find the answer to the question of what role do the differences in religion have in the differences in lifestyle, or in other words: to what extent does religiosity affect lifestyle.



December 1, 2008

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How to Cite

Kamarás, I. (2008). Krisnás habitusok : két magyarországi Krisnahívő csoport vallásossága, életstílusa és ízlése = Habits of Krishna followers. In A. Máté-Tóth & D. Nagy Gábor (Eds.), & (Ed.), Vallásosság / változatok: Vallási sokféleség Magyarországon: Vol. 3. kötet (pp. 153-168). Department of Religious Studies University of Szeged.