Competing Narratives between Nomadic People and their Sedentary Neighbours: Papersof the 7thInternational Conference on the MedievalHistory of the Eurasian Steppe Nov. 9–12, 2018 Shanghai University, China
A Prosopographical Approach to Medieval Eurasian Nomads (II)
Geography in the Epic Folklore of the Oghuz Turks
Changes of Ethnonyms in the Sino-Mongol Bilingual Glossaries from the Yuan to the Qing Era
Competing Narratives: A Comparative Study of Chinese Sources with the Old Turkic Inscriptions
A Possible Source of 'Tengrism'
Scythia as the Image of a Nomadic Land on Medieval Maps
Personal Hygiene and Bath Culture in the World of the Eurasian Nomads
An Archaeology of the Nomadic Groups of the Eurasian Steppes between Europe and Asia
Military-religious Orders and the Mongols around the Mid-13th Century
The Islamization of the Legend of the Turks: The Case of Oghuznāma
Cumania in the System of Trade Routes of Eastern Europe in the 12th Century
Some Aspects of Xiongnu History in Archaeological Perspective
New Results in the Research on the Hun Age in the Great Hungarian Plain
The Mongols’ tuq ‘standard’ in Eurasia, 13th-14th Centuries
Manichaean Sogdian Cosmogonical Texts in Manichaean Script
On the Methodology of the Reconstruction of the Ways of Nomadic Peoples
The Tether and the Sling in the Tactics of the Nomadic People
Nomads of the Eurasian Steppe and Greeks of the Northern Black Sea RegionEncounter of Two Great Civilisations in Antiquity and Early Middle Ages
The Character of the Trade between the Nomads and their Settled Neighbours in Eurasia in the Middle Ages
Images of Eurasian Nomads in European Cultural Imaginary in the Middle Ages
An Unknown Jewish Community of the Golden Horde
The Tomb of Pugu Yitu (635–678) in Mongolia: Tang-Turkic Diplomacy and Ritual
Central Asia in the Cosmography of Anonymous of Ravenna
Khitan Landscapes from a New Perspective. Landscape Archaeology Research in Mongolia
Some Opinions on the Role of the Mohe 靺鞨 People in the Cultural and Ethnical Relationships between Tungusic, Turkic and Mongolian Peoples
Did Jordanes Read Hippocrates? The Impact of Climatic Factors on Nomads in the Getica of Jordanes
The Eastern Magyars of the Muslim Sources in the 10th Century

January 23, 2020
Copyright (c) 2019 University of Szeged, Department of Altaic Studies, Department of Finno-Ugrian Philology
Details about the available publication format: Vol. 53
Vol. 53
ISBN-13 (15)
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ISBN-13 (15)